Eating habits interfering with your goals?!

How do we create a healthy habit towards food?

We form strong habits with food, that can be difficult to over come, but with a little perseverance and routine we can make changes! Ultimately a lot of our eating habits will stem from childhood, some good, some bad. However making sudden changes like following a quick fix diet, will help you loose weight quickly, but will not aid you in the long run and neither will it fix those well embedded eating habits!

In order to come to terms with your eating you must be honest with yourself and reflect on your good and bad eating habits, what are your triggers when you reach for a whole packet of biscuits, or when you eat just because your bored?!

The one thing I will tell all my clients to do at the start if their goal is weight loss, is to keep an honest food diary, I usually advise My Fitness Pal or Cronometer, or you can simply write it down with a time log next to it. This will give you an idea if your craving that sweet snack to help you through the mid afternoon slump or if your a late night snacker. Its also a good idea to keep a note of how your feeling when you dive in for those unhealthy snacks, were you feeling stressed, tired, sad, this helps you to start to recognise triggers.

The next thing to do is to think about some of those eating habits that your looking to change, do you clean your plate even though your full, do you eat quickly, perhaps you eat standing up, do you skip meals, do you always need a pudding or perhaps you eat when your not hungry…somethings to think about. Try to make a list and think of some of your own.

Choose a few habits you have recognised that are holding you back in your weight loss goal and start working on them, don’t forget to be kind to yourself and recognise little things like eating the fruit for deserts, cutting back to 1 can of fizzy drink a day….etc this is all good progress and a step in the right direction.

Whenever I’m speaking with clients, one of common causes to our mindless eating is either environmental cues or emotional cues. The key is to recognise those triggers, here are few you may recognise, I certainly do!

Common triggers for eating when not hungry are:

Opening up the cupboards and seeing your favourite treats.

Sitting at home watching television.

Before or after a stressful situation at work.

Coming home after work and having no idea what’s for dinner.

Having someone offer you a dish they made “just for you!”

Seeing a treats at work in the office (Probably not so much of this now, but still).

Feeling bored or tired and thinking food might offer a pick-me-up.

Had a bad day turns to the sweet treat for comfort.

Try to make a list of your own cues and circle a few that really get you everyday and that your sick of doing an want to change! What can you do to avoid this said cue or situation, for example not knowing what to have for dinner, could you plan ahead for the week perhaps, will save time and money and your waistline!

Things that are more tricky to avoid, perhaps the unhealthy snacks at the office, again try to plan ahead, bring in some healthier alternatives, perhaps eat a healthy snack before the treats get laid out so your not so interested! Or perhaps a meal out that you would usually over eat at, perhaps eating a healthy snack before you go out to avoid overeating.

So you’ve recognised some cues that your willing to work on, now what! We need to replace these unhealthy habits with some healthier choices: If you find you eat too fast, make sure your not on your phone or watching TV, as this draws your attention away from how fast your actually eating. Other options could be to put your folk down between bites and really focus and enjoy what you're eating. Be in tune with your body and recognise when you're starting to feel full.

If you find yourself eating when bored, tired, stressed, anxious, try to find a non eating activity like, going for a short walk, make a cup of tea, call a friend, pick up a book, or mediate, whatever will make you feel better and refocus.

Lastly, habits take time to create, so be kind to yourself and don’t get too disheartened when you fall back to the cue, try to ask yourself why, when did it start and what changes could you make to prevent any further disruption.

Be present, be mindful, be patient and love your body! You will get there one day at a time.

Hope you found this useful and any questions please do share, happy to help.

F xx

Improve your posture, Feel more confident!!

Lets talk posture good and bad!

A number of things can attribute to bad posture, mostly it can be due the fact that as a society we spend a lot more time seated. Other common factors could also be, being overweight, muscle imbalances or muscle weakness, injuries, incorrect footwear and poor sleeping positions. Luckily these can be helped and improved by exercsie

A lot of my clients that I train come to me with back issues or injuries, and its becoming more and more common. Therefore its important to try to get to the root of the problem and not just try to avoid or cover it up or just deal with it as you always have!

What does good posture mean to you?

If we look at the 3 postures below, Imagine you have some string leading from the top of your head, middle of the shoulders, elbows, hips, knees and all the way down to your midfoot. This is netural alignment. When we talk of netural alignment, this is the way the body is in the most efficient and least injury prone.

Do you recognise your posture in the below?


Our body has two types of muscle fibres – Type I or slow twitch, and Type II or fast twitch.

The deeper muscles help us maintain posture without too much effort and are usually slow twitch. They send messages to the brain to make adjustments and help us maintain neutral posture.

Poor posture causes muscle fatigue and imbalances as it pushes the Type II fibres to act to maintain position, instead of using the Type 1 as its suppose too.

Our deeper, slower twitch supporting muscles become weaker over time and shorten from lack of use or improper use. When these muscles containing mostly Type II fibres take over the work, it affects the slower twitch muscle’s ability to send special information to the brain.

The incomplete messages are sent and the brain interprets that further adjustment is needed, therefore prompting more muscle contraction, worsening posture and increasing the discomfort and pain felt by the person…..No Bene!

Exercises to help with posture

Some areas to address to begin with……..

Shoulders - common issues here is rounded shoulders, and forward head position. These can cause neck strain, headaches and over time hunch back.

The focus - middle- upper back exercises like pulling and rowing variations, plus any shoulder mobility drills that focus on full range of movement.

Hips- Often I see clients with anterior pelvic tilt (ATP), which can cause excessive lumbar curvature. This is not so good as can lead to pain in the neck, upper/lower back in the hips. Not fun! See my pictures below for neutral and ATP

The focus - hip flexors - Exercises like the split squats are good as they lengthen and stretch the hip flexors, bridge and Hip thrusts also as this works the glutes.

ATP Neutral

Look at your posture, how do you sit? How do you stand?Could you get up and move little more often during the day? Could you do a couple of stretches at the desk? Shoulder rolls?, rolling the head from side to side, taking the chin to the chest… just a few ideas!

Make some small changes over the weeks and see how it can improve your posture. Strengthening the core and glutes will also help as well as stretching the hip flexors and lower back.

Posture is so so important for leading a better pain free everyday life, making small adjustments and being more mindful during the day could make a real difference to improving muscle imbalances and pain.

Feel free to contact me for further help and assistance with your training and or any questions on the above.

F xx

Get confident and move more!

A few tips on how to get started….

  • Aim to start slowly, don’t plan to do too much as will get too tired and put off if you don’t succeed in your goal you’ve set.( Trust me I speak from experience)

  • Plan in your activities to your day, around your work, family life and social life, so that is is realistic and achievable for you to stick to. Finding a healthy balance will be key to your consistency.

  • Try not to feel guilty about missing a training day or a class, listen to your body, If you are tired rest don’t quit! Energy comes a gos, one day I feel like a Duracell bunny and other days I can only manage a nice walk. Be kind to your self.

  • If you are feeling a little self conscious about exercising in front of others or can’t leave home, try home workouts online, some are free, I am offering a couple of classes too that you can check out under online training.

  • Try and find an activity that you enjoy, try and test until you enjoy it enough to want to keep to it and make it part of your routine.

  • Work out when you have most and least energy, if your not a morning exerciser and you feel to lethargic then try lunchtimes or evenings when you're more alert. On this note you may have days where you are unable to work out, due to feeling low, busy etc, but that’s ok. Treat it as a rest period for your body until you feel ready to come back to it. Try to avoid putting too much pressure on your self for taking rest and recovery.

  • Treat yourself to some new gym wear to help get you in the mood for your workout. ( I do this one a little too often)

  • Avoid comparing yourself to others and what they are doing and how they are progressing. I know social media is rife with people “doing well and look fabulous”, but remember that it’s just snap shots of their routines/ lives.

  • Try to focus on how you feel and progress you're making, not just the way you look and the scales. I know this is very difficult, I really do, but know that you're worth is not defined by the scales and the way you look.

  • Lastly enjoy yourself and have fun, working out shouldn’t be seen as a chore or a drain it should and can be a way to release tension and feel good. You just need to find what’s right for you.

Mental Health Week challenge

Mental health week is just around the corner 18-24 May, in light of their theme this year of kindness I thought it would be a nice idea to also be kind to ourselves and do something. fun and active for you, particulary in this time of lockdown.

Thats why i’ve set up this challenge starting today VE Day, to mark it today I did 75 burpees to remember our heroes. It got me thinking that it would be nice idea to create a challenge and get more people involved, so below are some ideas on how you can get involved and how to donate. to the Mental Health Foundation:

Theme VE Day 75th anniversary

Pick one and give yourself a challenge!

75 squat jumps

75 russain twists

if you have weights or use a backpack with some books or tins in it try a weight plank for 75s

75 walking lunges with added weight if you like

75 Tricep dips

75 side lunges

75 bodyweight lat raises non stop

If you have any other creative ideas would love to hear from you.

Don’t forget to tag me in your challenges and your times @flaviacorbanipt or Facebook @FlaviacorbaniPT

Once you’ve done your challenge visit

to donate what you can, thank you so much!

Please tag your friends, families, co worked, whoever to keep this going and raising money for a great cause!

30 day isolation challenge

30 day challenge-2.jpg

Here’s a little 30 day challenge I have put together for anyone who fancies it while in lockdown! It’s something to keep you active each day and will keep those core muscles strong!

Beginners can do kneeling Push ups or wall push ups, and if jumping is a no go, swap out jumping jacks to step jacks.

More advanced can introduce a tempo into squats and push ups, for example 3-5 s down 1s pause at the bottom and 1s up.

I would love to hear how you get on! Have fun and stay healthy, happy at home. X

How to stop snacking 1000 times a day during self isolation

How many times did you open the cupboards/ fridge today??!! If like me and my family you're having frequent snack attacks, here are some ways around it.

1- Have a plan, try and stick to the same eating schedule that you had at work or school.

2- Be more mindful when your eating, put your phone away, get off your computer/ laptop and have a proper lunch break!

3- Don’t fill the cupboards with unhealthy snacks (even if its for a “just in case”). You will eat them and you will finish them!!!

4- Try to fill your cupboards with complex carbs, like whole-grains, veg, beans, brown rice, quinoa, apples, berries, bananas. These will keep you fuller for longer.

5- Snack on foods high in amino acids - bananas, nuts, seeds, apples, humous and pitta, etc.

6- Cook some yummy foods that you have been meaning to try.

7- Hydrate, make sure your drinking plenty of water, try herbal teas too if you like them.

Happy New Year!

Happy new year, with all these overwhelming feelings of it being a new year and a new decade I feel the need to write down my goals, intentions for the next few months. Anyone else with me, but don’t know where to start…. read on for few tips, that I hope can help open your mind and clarify!

It's that time of year, where you maybe starting to think about where we want to be, or what we want to achieve! I don’t know about you, but I find this so difficult! There seems to be so much pressure around “New year, New you”, but what if its the same you, but you decide and put more focus into how far you will take 2020 and beyond!

If your feeling motivated to set some goals here’s some tips to help you on your way:

1: Make it SMARTER

S - Specific

M- Measurable

A - Attainable

R - Relevant

T - Time bound

E - Evaluative

R - Revisable

2: Write them down, so you are accountable, and so you can clarify and strengthen your intentions.

3: Break it down, break down your goals into small, manageable steps so you don’t feel overwhelmed.

4: Hold yourself accountable, keep focused and disciplined.

5: Reward yourself, this will help reinforce your positive actions you’ve taken and so you continue on your journey.

6: Build into your routine so that your goals become part of your daily habits and rituals.

Just remember in amongst you goal/intention setting to give yourself forgiveness and extend kindness to yourself so that your motivation is kept high. It takes daily commitment to make today different to yesterday, with a little discipline, focus and support you can get there.

On that note I would like to finish with these two quotes I found, which I think are a good few words to start our year with.

Make New Year’s goals. Dig within, and discover what you would like to have happen in your life this year.... It is an affirmation that you’re interested in fully living life in the year to come. Goals give us direction.” — Melody Beattie

“If I’m an advocate for anything, it’s to move. As far as you can, as much as you can. Across the ocean or simply across the river. The extent to which you can walk in someone else’s shoes or at least eat their food, it’s a plus for everybody. Open your mind, get up off the couch, move.” — Anthony Bourdain

Festive Tips to keep on track

Hows your festive calendar doing? Its that time of year again where social events are almost every week/ weekend!

I thought I would share a few tips on how to stay on track, enjoy yourself and keep to your goals. You’ve worked hard to get where you are and you don’t want Christmas to get in your way, well don’t worry I’ve got you!

First of all, don’t be so hard on yourself or let guilt creep in, enjoy the moments you have to look forward to! Talking to most of my clients their biggest worries are around alcohol and how to manage it during the festive time, here are a few little tips to help:

  1. Always eat before going on a night out

  2. Have a glass of water next to your alcoholic beverage

  3. Try to drink a glass of water between each glass of alcohol, this will help keep you hydrated

  4. When the munchies kick in try to choose healthy snacks like, humous and pitta, sushi, edamame beans, cheese and crackers, non buttered popcorn, non salted nuts

  5. An absolute must is to drink a glass of water before bed

  6. Diorolyte maybe come your friend, have this before bed to help rehydrate you.

  7. Always have a healthy breakfast the next day, my go to start the day would be a green smoothie with spinach, avocado, lemon, matcha powder, ginger and milk, this helps reintroduce nutrients and vitamins at a much needed moment!


We know we going to eat more, so move let’s move our ass more!. Moving more will help you to lose weight, tone up, get fitter and improve your mood. But the best benefit of all is that you will age in a healthier way as well.

  1. Snack wisely, be mindful of your snacking, are you actually hungry?! Always try to opt for real foods like veggies, fruits, nuts and seeds

  2. Watch your portion size, again going back to mindful eating. Pay attention to your body and how its feeling.

  3. Keep up with your protein and fibres to help you keep fuller for longer

  4. Skip on seconds, listen to your body

  5. Dont stop your normal routine just because its December!


How to keep your exercise routine up whilst there are pressures to spend time with the family and attend social events? Ok so you may not be able to stick rigidly to your usual workout times and routine, but you can still keep moving. Make time for 15 -20 mins of your day and do a home workout or get our for family walk and blow those cobwebs away!

Try this little home workout if your stuck for ideas::

Rest 60s between 1 complete circuit, take little rest between each exercise if possible.

Repeat for 2-4 rounds

20 Bodyweight squats

40 mountain climbers

1 min plank

30 lateral hops

15 per side donkey kicks

30 Bicycle crunches

Your mindset is the most important factor in achieving your goals, keep working on it daily

How to start your road to a healthier you in 1 week

1. Do a kitchen spring clean and get rid of any junk food, or anything that will tempt you. Fill your kitchen cupboards with healthy food - food that you have to cook yourself and with lots of colour.

2. Cook from scratch, there are plenty of very easy recipes out there that don't take long or are very inexpensive. I have loads of recipes that I can offer too :)

3. Do five 30-minute walks over the week- remember to work hard enough to get the benefits. If you find this is too hard, then simply break up the walks throughout the day into 10-minute segments.

4.In bed by 10pm: Sleep is a crucial part of health, so this week try to sleep more and sleep better. That starts with getting to bed early!

5. 20 squats per day: Each week I will be adding exercises to this list and for this week it's the squat.

Remember anyone can squat and the movement can be as much or as little as you like. Start with your feet shoulder-width apart, push the weight through your heels and bend at the knees.

Bend the knees as much as you feel comfortable and then stand up again. If you feel any back pain or knee pain, stop straight away.

If this really scares you, then try a sit/stand. Stand in front of a chair, sit down and stand back up - it's the same thing.

If you would like any further tips or advice on how to make further steps to healthier, more energised you, then feel free to contact me for a chat 😊

Flavia xx


How to stay motivated during the winter months?

Don’t let the change in season, change your routine!

Excuse numero 1:

Too hard to get out of bed in the cold/dark morning.

Try setting you're heating to come on just before you get up or putting your workout clothes on the radiator to warm up.

Invest in a lamp that stimulates natural daylight.

Make your alarm an uplifting song that will help you get up happy

Get your workout buddy on board, share the pain of the early dark mornings.

Excuse numero 2:

I am up, but really don't want to leave the house.

If you're training outside, you need to make sure you dress appropriately for the cold, go get your self some winter workout gear, its worth the invetsment.

Stop creating barriers, its cold, dark and wet, but you could train inside. You could try a 20 mins workout in the comfort of your living room that gets your heart rate up. Think jumping jacks, mountain climbers, push ups! There are plenty of apps for ideas too, some good ones are Nike, FIIT, and Aaptiv!

Excuse numero 3

Cant find your mojo?

First of all don't be too hard on yourself, we all go through these stages. Take a step back and take a look at the bigger picture.

How far have you come with your training already?

Do you need to take a break, drop your intensity down of your sessions? Perhaps try some yoga or pilates, something kind on your joints, and good for there mind and body.

Work out what if different for you now that was so easy for you in summer, what was it that created your motivation? Friends, being outside, goals, target?

How can we tap into the driving force and replicate summers motivation?

Try something different. New class that you’ve been meaning to try, go on give it a whirl!

Try a PT session to ignite why you started training in the beginning, get educated, learn about how exercise will enhance your lifestyle.

One final bit of advice, do not press snooze!!!!