How to start your road to a healthier you in 1 week

1. Do a kitchen spring clean and get rid of any junk food, or anything that will tempt you. Fill your kitchen cupboards with healthy food - food that you have to cook yourself and with lots of colour.

2. Cook from scratch, there are plenty of very easy recipes out there that don't take long or are very inexpensive. I have loads of recipes that I can offer too :)

3. Do five 30-minute walks over the week- remember to work hard enough to get the benefits. If you find this is too hard, then simply break up the walks throughout the day into 10-minute segments.

4.In bed by 10pm: Sleep is a crucial part of health, so this week try to sleep more and sleep better. That starts with getting to bed early!

5. 20 squats per day: Each week I will be adding exercises to this list and for this week it's the squat.

Remember anyone can squat and the movement can be as much or as little as you like. Start with your feet shoulder-width apart, push the weight through your heels and bend at the knees.

Bend the knees as much as you feel comfortable and then stand up again. If you feel any back pain or knee pain, stop straight away.

If this really scares you, then try a sit/stand. Stand in front of a chair, sit down and stand back up - it's the same thing.

If you would like any further tips or advice on how to make further steps to healthier, more energised you, then feel free to contact me for a chat 😊

Flavia xx
